
Yuhana / News: Recent posts

Yuhana relase 0.1.2b

So long, a new relase with little change....

Posted by merlin lain 2004-09-20

yuhana plan jun 30 2004

1. New Logo

Make a new logo.
More cute :)
The design issue has been done,
2. Tech issue

2.1 integrate with other web tier tech

if i host web with php,
can php link with yuhana?
2.2 mysql

My db will be mysql
how to link with it within yuhana?
3. Applications

Integrate yuhana with applications, develop applications that host on yuhana.
3.1 Where are you?

I am seeking you~
this application will demo seeking someone and someplace with a yuhana enabled service :)... read more

Posted by merlin lain 2004-06-30

yuhana 0.01 bata is released.

yuhana is a lite weight .Net applicaton server software whitch host web service and more.This is the first bate version of this project. We include a demo of .net petshop host with it whitch prove it really working.

Posted by merlin lain 2003-07-31