
noone can read my away message ...

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    if i set status way TEST i tryed with a second icq client and ask some other people with icq lite and trillian  if they can read my away message and all sayed 'no'.

    A week ago everything works fine :(
    btw i reastarted ysm but no changes.

    Any ideas?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hi there -

      Yep, I might have an idea of what's going on. Truth is that the away message feature was never implemented so far in that's mainly the reason why that isn't working :)

      You sure it was working before? heh.

      Thanks in advance,

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      so are you going to implement it anytime in the future? :>

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        I think it works by passing a string parameter to the away command...
        it automatically sets the away message, have you tried help away?

        goooooooood luck


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