

Andriy Tsykholyas


You are a Linux user and you do care about yuor privacy in the web and you use a vpn to achieve this goal.

The problem

There might be an appllication (or a bunch of them) which you wish to run while the vpn connection is active (e.g. for privacy reasons). You establish a vpn connection and launch the application.
There is a possibility that you walk away from your pc (to make a cup of coffee or to sleep).
Than there is a chance that vpn connection is lost.

The solution

Yoni can help you. It takes controll of both the vpn connection and the application.

How yoni works

Yoni tries to eslablish the vpn connection of your choice. If succeeded it launches the application of your choice. If the vpn connection is lost yoni kills the application and tries to establish the vpn connection again. Once the vpn is up yoni launches the application again. And so on. Untill you quit yoni.

Alternate software

VPNetMon - windows-only
VPNCheck - has Mono-based linux version

Alternate approach

You can configure your TCP/IP routing appropriately.

Additional reading

Developer's blog
TorrentFreek has some excellent articles about web privacy (e.g. this one).

About name

'yoni' is latin transliteration of how my little daughter pronounced Ukrainian word "chervonyy" (which means "red" in Endlish). This software is not related to Sanskrit or Hebrew words in any way.