
YggDore / News: Recent posts

R-4 released

The concept is "Good bye login form".
YggDore Sky Gate provides login to various service
by using same the login ID and password.
The structure is very simple, your service is
able to join to us easily.

This version adds the following functions.

- IP based access filter

(Auto mode)
The server registers ip address when you login,
it is used at certification time from outside service.

(Manual mode)
You can set your IP address or/and network information.
They are used access controlling when you login the
server and outside server.... read more

Posted by gin-cypha 2009-12-17

Addon for Internet Explorer 0.4 released.

The concept is "Good bye login form".
YggDore Sky Gate provides login to various service by using same the login ID and password.
The structure is very simple, your service is able to join to us easily.

YggDore Sky Gate Toolbar for Internet Explorer is browser helper object.
It adds login form on your browser when it is installed.

Change log

- Fixed sending null code to server when user logins.... read more

Posted by gin-cypha 2009-11-24

Addon for Internet Explorer 0.3 released.

The concept is "Good bye login form".
YggDore Sky Gate provides login to various service by using same the login ID and password.
The structure is very simple, your service is able to join to us easily.

YggDore Sky Gate Toolbar for Internet Explorer is browser helper object.
It adds login form on your browser when it is installed.

You are able to download the installer package here. read more

Posted by gin-cypha 2009-11-05

R-3 released

The concept is "Good bye login form".
YggDore Sky Gate provides login to various service
by using same the login ID and password.
The structure is very simple, your service is
able to join to us easily.

This version adds the following functions.

- User ID manager

- Setting time zone

The feature is as follows.

- The login processing does from browser toolbar

YggDore Sky Gate provides login processing from browser toolbar.... read more

Posted by gin-cypha 2009-10-15

YggDore Sky Gate Server R-1 released

YggDore Sky Gate (YSG) provides login to various service.
The structure is very simple, your service is able to join to us easily.

YSG has the following two functions.

- When you use YSG and login to the outside service, YSG server and service server communicate one time login ID and password automatically.
- When you success to login to the outside service, YSG creates user ID per service automatically.... read more

Posted by gin-cypha 2009-08-24

YggDore Key Service DEMO Server 0.2.0 released

YggDore Key Service DEMO Server is a free software to create "YggDore Key".
The key has following 3 rules.

- It can be used only once.
- It can be used from outside sites and servers.
- It has a ID. The ID is changed per IP address of a server that send request to certify it.

This project defines simple REST specification to use.
This package written by PHP5.
The following URL is its demonstration site. read more

Posted by gin-cypha 2009-02-16

YggDore Key Service DEMO Server 0.1.0 released

YggDore Key Service DEMO Server is a free software to create "Key of YggDore".
The key has following 3 rules.

- It can be used only once.
- It can be used from outside sites and servers.
- It has a ID. The ID is changed per IP address of a server that send request to certify it.

This project defines simple REST specification to use.
This package written by PHP5.
The following URL is its demonstration site. ... read more

Posted by gin-cypha 2008-11-24

YggDore Key Service DEMO Server 0.0.3 released

YggDore Key Service DEMO Server is a free software to create "Key of YggDore".
The key has following 3 rules.

- It can be used only once.
- It can be used from outside sites and servers.
- It has a ID. The ID is changed per IP address of a server that send request to certify it.

This project defines simple REST specification to use.
This package written by PHP5.
The following URL is its demonstration site. read more

Posted by gin-cypha 2008-09-19

The YggDore project was opened

The YggDore is a project to think about how to use the "Key of YggDore".
The key has four rules. How do you use it ?

1. It can be used only once.
2. It can be used from outside sites and servers.
3. This project defines simple REST specification to use it.
4. It has a ID. The ID is changed per IP address of a server that send request to certify it.

This project is managing the demonstration site to test what it is.... read more

Posted by gin-cypha 2008-09-10