

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    holy shit i am now trying full 2 hours to get a functional admin... i know from readme and mysql manager that it is only user root and no password. winmysqladmin want a pass or you get only read-access. i can't change user and/or password in mysql manager!
    phpmyadmin has no write access but it doesn't asked for user and pass!

    wonderful infos in readme about user and passwords  for every shit but the really interesting things are written like: look into mysql-documentation... in mysql documentation you can read: take winmysqladmin! a vicious circle

    best i found: shell> mysqladmin password "my new password"

    great idea for windows user...

    contentserver and phpgeek service doesn't work!
    first i had to change service path via registry to
    "C:\Programme\TSW\Apache2\bin\APACHE.EXE" --ntservice

    but it is still not working... i have seen in installation forum that i am not alone...

    i thought i had to say this after spending two hours to nothing...

    cy@ froesch

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I don't have the command line
      but i can suggest you to use the tools made by MySQL
      open MySQL Administrator .. select the user .. write your new password ..


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