

Zoitl Alois

Y.A.P.R.M. is a free-as-in-freedom modeller to graphicaly design 3d scenes and generate POV-Ray-files for them. Appart from the basic POV-Ray objects which can be used in CSG operations it supports spline based objects. Furthermore a vast amount of 3d-files can be imported and used with Y.A.P.R.M.

Current screenshot of Y.A.P.R.M. Current screenshot of Y.A.P.R.M. Current screenshot of Y.A.P.R.M.


Y.A.P.R.M. has been developed for Linux (other ports are welcome) using the Gtk+ widgets. It needs a number of libraries, which is increasing with the growing functionallities of Y.A.P.R.M. A complete list of necessary libraries can be found here.

Current Version

The current version of Y.A.P.R.M. is 0.7.1 and is available in several packages which can be downloaded from here.

Debian Packages

For the current version there are also debian packages available. Please look at the official Y.A.P.R.M. download side for packages.

Project News

Native OpenGL Support in GTK+

by Zoitl Alois 2014-10-24

As announced in this small blog post OpenGL will be directly available in GTK+ with the upcoming 3.16 version. This will be a very important step for finally bringing Y.A.P.R.M. to GTK+3. Looking forward to get a version of the new GTK+ on my machine soon.

Porting Y.A.P.R.M. to gkt+3

by Zoitl Alois 2013-08-08

After way to long time not working Y.A.P.R.M. I finally found some time I could dedicate to it. I used this time for updating Y.A.P.R.M. to gtk+3.

In this little time I had I came pretty far and in the SVN repository you can already find a first version. While this version compiles and runs it is still a little unstable and requires some further porting work. Furthermore some libraries need to be compiled and installed manually. These are gdlmm-3.0 and gtkglext-3.0. While the first is available from the Gnome servers the later has not been ported officially to gtk+3.0 and you have to get a version from github. I hope this situation will change soon.

I will still have only very little time for Y.A.P.R.M. Nonetheless I like to work further on the gtkl+3 port and maybe also in some new features. So hopefully I can provide you with a new release consisting mainly of the gtk+3 port rather soon.


New Repository Location

by Zoitl Alois 2012-11-25

With the full migration to Sourceforge Allura (the new hosting platform of Sourceforge) the source code repository moved to a new location. From new on please use the new location as described under:

Debian Packages for Y.A.P.R.M. 0.7.1

by Zoitl Alois 2011-03-19

I finally managed to prepare Debian packages for the last Y.A.P.R.M. release. You can find them under:

I'm still strugling with the windows port. Any help here would be greatly appriciated.



Good News Everybody

by Zoitl Alois 2011-02-27

I finally managed to make a new release of Y.A.P.R.M. Version 0.7.1 is a bug fix release with many small bug fixes and small enhancements in order to improve the useability. Furthermore it is a great pleasure for me to announce that thanks to Joëlle Cornavin we now have also a french translation. Debian packages will follow in the next days.



Deactivation of outdated Y.A.P.R.M. CVS repos

by Zoitl Alois 2010-12-03

Since nearly two years the main development of Y.A.P.R.M. is done in an SVN repository. As the old CVS repository and its code is not maintained any more I deactivated the CVS repository today. For those of you who would like to have a look at the old pre-GTK version of Y.A.P.R.M. please download 0.6.6 source package. This package reflects the latest state of the CVS repository.


Tutorial Videos

by Zoitl Alois 2010-10-13

n order to provide some tutorial information on how to use Y.A.P.R.M. I played the last week with screen recording tools. I just uploaded the first result of this testing. An tutorial video giving an overview on the main elements of Y.A.P.R.M. as well as the modeling of a very simple scene to show the object creation process and the interaction with POV-Ray. You can find this video on the new tutorial section on Y.A.P.R.M.'s web page:

Furthermore I plan to do a couple of these videos showing more on the modeling with Y.A.P.R.M. If you have any suggestions or ideas feel free to contact me.


Support Offers

by Zoitl Alois 2010-04-18

As you may have seen I'm currently looking for support in improving Y.A.P.R.M. The support requests target two main topics first a port to windows and second translating Y.A.P.R.M. to different languages. I already got some feedback and offers to my requests. Thanks.

However I got also offers which I could not answer as these didn't include any contact information. Therefore I'm writing this post maybe you could just drop me an e-mail so that I can send you more information.

For sure are any other support offers warmly welcome. Thanks in advance,


Debian Packages for 0.7

by Zoitl Alois 2010-03-22

I just uploaded the first Debian packages: the source package and the package for amd64. The powerpc target is in the queue and i368 will come in the next days.
I hope this helps.


Good News Everybody

by Zoitl Alois 2010-03-17

After more than 1 year of hard work I finaly finished the translation to the gtkmm widget library. As part of this translation I did a major rework of the overall user interface. This includes not only dockable views but also an improved user interaction with reduced number of clicks and also direct and animated visual feedback during the model prozess.
Also several bugs in some of the objects where fixed. With this basis I will now undertake new features like blobs and nurbs.
