
Menu Finished

The menu of the new Y.A.P.R.M. is finished. It provides you with the same functionality available in Y.A.P.R.M. 0.6.6 with the main extension that all menu actions that lead to a scene change can be undone and redone. I'm pretty proud of this implementation.

The only thing that is left before the GTK version of Y.A.P.R.M. can go into the test phase is the editing of object properties. I'm targeting a new approach which should make it easier to edit object properties, which I hope you will like. Today I drafted the first ideas how to tackle the problem. Lets see how it turns it.

For all how like to have a sneak preview on the new Y.A.P.R.M. please check out the latest version from SVN.


Posted by Zoitl Alois 2009-08-26

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