
CopperLan Freeware Samples

This is a XY controller for CopperLan aimed to demonstrate enhanced musicability. Two working modes are available:

  • the first mode can be used to send music information (free pitch/impulse/gating),
  • the second can send two modifiers, with learning/feedback capabilities. To assign a control, use the CopperLan Manager to connect ModX and ModY outputs to some editable application (such as the CopperLan Dummy Application), click on the (L) button, then change a parameter from the remote application GUI. Then you can update this parameter from the controller, the remote application, or the CopperLan Manager, everyone keeps updated.

Documentation is available from here.

The code available from here is based on the CopperLan Freeware SDK. Source code is totally open and can be re-used in any kind of free or commercial application. However the Freeware SDK can be used only for open-source/freeware development! The SDK and the CopperLan middleware (available for Mac/PC) are free of charge.

CopperLan is a zero config, plug&play, multiplatform communication framework originally designed for the Music Industry. Actually it can be used for any project needing enhanced command&control. CopperLan technology is free for open/free development. For paid products, please read the conditions of use.

Some links: