
Tree [6a7ad9] master nightly v1.1.0 /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 files 2014-12-24 jrosco jrosco [6a7ad9] update version number
 images 2014-12-23 jrosco jrosco [181786] updated images and files into src directory
 src 2014-12-24 jrosco jrosco [f56ca5] updated build files 2014-12-21 jrosco jrosco [014d55] added socks download URL 2014-12-24 jrosco jrosco [975158] new updated version 1.1.0 - now includes proxy ...

Read Me

Multi Whois Client

To install Multi Whois Client from source download the snapshot found above to your computer and unzip the file to your hard drive with your favorite zip tool.

Install Instructions


Once you have download the client and it's dependencies open a terminal on your OS and change to the directory where the client download exist.

_ Note: Windows Users. Ensure python is in your environment variables _

Run the following


sudo python install


python install