
Feedback on Kalidoescope 2.9.28

  • Guido Haberkamp

    Guido Haberkamp - 2007-04-01

    Hi Luan,
    Thank you for that build, it was a pleasure to test it. Kalideoscope gets better every time, and (lucky for me) there are still some things I can find ;o)

    Thank you for giving me back my "right mouse button context menu" :o).
    As you mentioned the right mouse button potentially used for dragging: Is there an advantage over dragging with the left button ?

    I like the default values for the frameset.
    It's very user friendly: if you choose to use e.g. a left Panel, all you have to do is tick the checkbox.
    The default values are often appropriate. That's very nice.

    Is there a reason for the Toolbar file field being empty ?
    If I want to use the toolbar I always have to supply a (standard) filename.

    Bug No. 1672897 seems to be closed now.

    The Xpages width/heigth attributes seem to be much more consistent now.

    Only two things still seem odd:
    "New Project wizard": When I set the dimensions for the frameset, every value is computed correctly.
    When you finish, close, reopen the wizard, the width of the main page is altered from 824 to 816.

    "New Xui Page wizard": When adding a new page to a 1024x768 project, the values are these:
    <XPage w="1024" h="734">
            <Guides width="1018" height="734">

    When trying it out I found that I could place the components very close to the outer borders, except for the right panel. The component was clipped at the right side. (Only when rendered in Java, in the frameset in Kalideoscope everything still was ok) (see screenshots)

    Two other things I noticed while creating new pages:

    Do you remember my "Page Does not exist / Page already exists, overwrite" problem ?

    I think I found an explanation:

    When (in project "myProjectName") you create a new page, it is created in /myProjectName/pages/MyNewPage.xml

    After creation, the wizard opens the file in Kalideoscope but seems to propagate the file's path wrong:
    As soon as you switch to the xml view of that particular page, the *(next to the filename) appears, and instead of showing the xml, it says:
    "Resource /project/pages/MyNewPage.xml does not exist"

    It should say /myProjectName/pages/MyNewPage.xml

    When you save the page to "myProjectName", the message "File already exists" is totally correct because the wizard already created the page in the correct location.

    I've checked this by creating a new page, closing it immediately without saving and reopened it by doubleclicking on it in the Navigator. After doing so, no error message occured.

    The second thing is not a bug, more a RFE for future releases:

    I started Eclipse and chose a workspace that I had added several xui projects to the other day.
    I selected the pages folder from a particular project and chose "New Xui Page" from the context menu.
    An error message occured: Please open project first.

    After doing so, everything worked fine.

    Would it be possible for Kalideoscope to get the appropriate project from my selection in the Navigator ?

    O.K. So far for now,

    Best regards,


    • Luan O'Carroll

      Luan O'Carroll - 2007-04-02

      > As you mentioned the right mouse button potentially used for dragging: Is there an advantage over dragging with the left button ?

      No, it's can be a little nasty - if you drag with the right button when the mouse is not over the selected button, but over another component, then the selected component's movement is a bit unpredictable as it depends on the client area of the component under the mouse. Unfortunately the drag operation doesn't indicate which mouse button was clicked (but thinking about it may I can find a fix... just tried it and it works ;-).

      > Is there a reason for the Toolbar file field being empty ?
      >If I want to use the toolbar I always have to supply a (standard) filename.

      No, I'll log that as a bug (bug 1692727)

      > As soon as you switch to the xml view of that particular page, the *(next to the filename)
      > appears, and instead of showing the xml, it says:
      > "Resource /project/pages/MyNewPage.xml does not exist"

      I don't get that - perhaps it is a difference due to the OS. You are using Windows 2000? right?

      With regard to the RFE - I'll add it (RFE 1692793). That is already the behavior on NetBeans

      I've logged the page size issue and will investigate (Bug 1692794)

      • Guido Haberkamp

        Guido Haberkamp - 2007-04-02

        Hi Luan,

        > "Resource /project/pages/MyNewPage.xml does not exist" 

        I don't get that - perhaps it is a difference due to the OS. You are using Windows 2000? right?

        You're right, I'm using W2K.
        I just setup Eclipse 3.2.2 on XP Home SP2 and the error didn't show up.

        I then updated my W2K Eclipse installation (was still 3.2.1) and now this bug is gone :-/
        I'll make sure to update Eclipse too prior to reporting any bugs.

        Best regards,


        • Luan O'Carroll

          Luan O'Carroll - 2007-04-02

          Great, good to hear it has disappeared. It was kind of worrying.

        • Guido Haberkamp

          Guido Haberkamp - 2007-04-02

          Hi Luan,

          because setting up Eclipse (and especially installing Kalideoscope) is so simple, I set it up on my iBook.

          It's nice to see that it works well on Mac OS X too.

          Two small things:

          1) When you select a component you can't tell that it's selected, the button's appearance doesn't change.

          2) This one might be an Eclipse/Aqua issue:
          (New Project wizard)
          The text fields are not wide (in respect to height) enough for the text you fill in.

          Dropdown lists (Comboboxes) are 20 pixel high, Text Fields 12 pixel (Screenshot)


          • Luan O'Carroll

            Luan O'Carroll - 2007-04-03

            I've changed the dialogs to dialog units, so they should behave a little better, but I'll test on Linux to see

          • Luan O'Carroll

            Luan O'Carroll - 2007-04-03

            I think I have the layout issues fixed, and I'll upload a new build this afternoon.

            I can't see the selection issue on Linux. Could you send a screenshot of that so I can see exactly what you are referring to - but I guess it will be hard if it isn't visible :-(

            • Guido Haberkamp

              Guido Haberkamp - 2007-04-03

              Hi Luan,

              indeed it's a bit difficult to describe something invisible. But I can try.
              I'm not sure though that this occurs on a Linux installation because this one belongs to the java ui look and feel and that could be implemented differently on a mac. Especially because my Mac uses Apples Java JDK "optimized for Tiger".

              What I actually see on my W2K installation when I select a component in the components view (e.g. a label)  is a frame around the button (is bezel the correct expression ?)
              This "decoration" tells you: "This button was pressed and is now selected"

              When I click on the components in the Mac OS X installation, the appearance doesn't change at all. So you can't tell which component is currently selected.



              • Luan O'Carroll

                Luan O'Carroll - 2007-04-04

                Ah, I understand now. I'll see what I can do.

              • Luan O'Carroll

                Luan O'Carroll - 2007-04-04


                I've just uploaded another build which I hope will resolve the issue with the selection of components on the Mac. But, not having a mac this is impossible for me to test right now. Let me know if it has any effect. Thanks



    • Luan O'Carroll

      Luan O'Carroll - 2007-04-02

      I've fixed the new page issue, so that it should open the page if possible or prevent the wizard from completing if the selected file or folder does not belong to a project.

    • Guido Haberkamp

      Guido Haberkamp - 2007-04-04

      Hi Luan,

      thank you, the selected component is now clearly distinguishable.
      The height difference in the text fields vs. comboboxes in the new project wizard is still there, but I agree with you that this needn't be of primary importance, esp. as you don't have the testing platform.

      It's just nice to know that Kalideoscope works on Mac too :o)


      • Luan O'Carroll

        Luan O'Carroll - 2007-04-05

        Could you send me updated screenshots? I can then see if there is anything different from the previous version. Thanks

      • Luan O'Carroll

        Luan O'Carroll - 2007-04-13


        There is now an update at

        Mostly the fixes are for components selection and for the in-situ edtor, plus some changes for the guide setp.




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