
Feedback on Kalidoescope 2.9.26

  • Guido Haberkamp

    Guido Haberkamp - 2007-03-22

    Hi Luan,

    thank you for this build.
    I really don't expect you to fix this one immediately but if it fits your schedule here's one which
    I didn't find on the bug tracker, (bugs no. 1681960 and 1670812 seem to refer to different issues) so I'm postig it now.
    Could you please log it?

    Project sizes are incorrect

    Try No. 1 (Project size 1024x768)

    I tried to get the most out of the New Project wizard and changed many settings away from their defaults
    (See Screenshots). On the wizard's second page I noticed that the size values for the different regions of the frameset were calculated wrong (See screenshots).
    Consequently even though I placed the buttons more or less in the middle of the footer, in the rendered GUI they are too low (Screenshot)
    When you edit the Footer alone, everything is o.k. (Screenshot), the problem seems to arise, when Kalideoscope ties the frameset together: I opened the Welcome page (with frames) and, as you can see from the selection borders, the available space for the footer is not enough (Screenshot).

    Interestingly the rightmost selection handles are drawn on top of the vertical scroll bar. Is this a bug in Eclipse ?

    Try No. 2 (Project size 640x480)

    I used the New Project wizard with the default values, didn't change a single bit.
    I opened the Welcome page (double click) and inserted two buttons at the bottom of the page.
    I rendered it, and the buttons were gone comepletely (too low I guess) (Screenshot)

    So far for now, I'll now work through my other todos (i.e. "3 clicks to select")
    and post as soon as I'm through.

    Thanks for your work (and for the docs: I'll start thunbing through them immediately  Yippeee ...!   :o))

    Best regards,


    • Luan O'Carroll

      Luan O'Carroll - 2007-03-22

      I'll tak a look at that in the morning. But I just reuploaded the docs - I had previously uploaded an older version by mistake :-(

    • Guido Haberkamp

      Guido Haberkamp - 2007-03-22

      O.K. I just redownloaded the (now version-correct) user guide :o)

      Have a nice evening


      • Luan O'Carroll

        Luan O'Carroll - 2007-03-26

        I've just uploaded another build to:

        It should fix some of the problems with the new project wizard and the frame sizes, plus some of the issues when dragging components about within the page designer.

    • Luan O'Carroll

      Luan O'Carroll - 2007-03-24

      Yes, it looks like there is a problem with frame sizes :-(

    • Luan O'Carroll

      Luan O'Carroll - 2007-03-24

      The problem with the scrollbars is I think Eclipse specific, but I'll investigate later


    • Luan O'Carroll

      Luan O'Carroll - 2007-03-24

      I've fixed the frameset bugs, at least on NetBeans. When I've checked on Eclipse I'll upload another build, probably Monday.

      • Guido Haberkamp

        Guido Haberkamp - 2007-03-24

        O.K. Thank you,

        Have a nice weekend



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