
Feedback on version 2.9.21

  • Guido Haberkamp

    Guido Haberkamp - 2007-02-23

    As always I removed the old kalideoscope version from the plugins folder, started Eclipse with -clean, entered a new, empty workspace and created a new project.

    New Page Error message "file exists - overwrite ?" is still there

    I'll include a screencast to show you exactly what I did.

    Well I wanted to do that but I ran into a new NPE (see bottom) when Iinserted a label in the newly created page.

    I think the problem here is that the new page is not completely created and propagated into all parts of kalideoscope. The Properties view doesn't seem to find the page.

    In the second screencast you can see the occurence of the "existing file" error message


    Properties view: Dropdown lists (Style, Alignment) now need double click to open.


    XUI Editor now fails gracefully :), the faulty xml doesn't get deleted.
    At least in the case of a user created page. In case of the pages created by the New project wizard, the file still get deleted (please see below)


    Frameset / guides inconsistency:

    Here's one interesting screenshot: I specified the Footer to be 40 px high. The Inspector reports it to be 50 px high. The XPage xml reads h="40" and Guides height="50"

    When I created the project I left everything on defult exept the projects name and title were changed from "MyProject" to "Guides Test"

    Additionally: when I switch to the xml tab I don't change anything, nevertheless the file's state changes to "unsaved changes *"

    Here's a comparison of the two file versions:

    Here's the contents of the file Footer.xml (created by New Project wizard), opened in the eclipse text editor:

    <XPage w="640" h="40">








    When I open it in the xui editor and switch to the xml tab, the content is changed to:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

        <XPage w="640" h="40">

            <Guides width="640" height="50">

                <vert />

                <horz />




    Does this give you a clue as to where the discrepancy come from ?

    In reply to your post: When I open the frames.xml in the xui editor and switch to the xml tab the content gets deleted and overwritten with:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


            <Guides width="640" height="480">

                <vert />

                <horz />




    The version created from the New Project wizard is as follows:


            <Toolbar name="top" constraint="NORTH" width="640" height="24" content="Toolbar"/>

            <Frame name="top" constraint="NORTH" width="640" height="40" content="Banner"/>

            <Frame name="left" constraint="WEST" width="100" height="376" content="LeftPanel"/>

            <Frame name="right" constraint="EAST" width="50" height="376" content="RightPanel"/>

            <Frame name="content" constraint="CENTER" width="640" height="376" content="Welcome"/>

            <Frame name="bottom" constraint="SOUTH" width="640" height="40" content="Footer"/>


    As far as I can tell, all names ar as they should be. Especially the height attributes are correct.


    NPE: Sorry I overwrote my clipboard, so I can't paste the NPE here, but you'll find it in the screencast.

    Best regards,


    • Luan O'Carroll

      Luan O'Carroll - 2007-02-23

      BTW the frames file is not intended to be editable with the page editor. On NetBeans the editor does not open for the frames file. I've logged this as a bug for Eclipse.


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