
XTF 2.1 Released

At last XTF 2.1 is ready for release. Highlights from this release:

* Extensive UI improvements, including new search forms, built-in faceted browsing, and a crisp new look.
* Built-in XHTML and OAI/PMH output, NLM article in/out, and Microsoft Word in.
* For those starting fresh with XTF the stylesheets are now easier to understand and adapt. For existing implementations, 2.1 is compatible with all prior XTF stylesheets and config files.
* Experimental "freeform" boolean query language.
* Many bug fixes and minor changes/features.

For a full listing of the changes, see

Note that a new sample data set accompanies this release, reflecting the new file types that XTF is capable of indexing and displaying.

Posted by mhaye 2008-04-26

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