
Problem with 4.4.0

  • Zedde

    Zedde - 2015-08-08

    Hello, thanks for a great script.

    I have to start of with I'm backing up to ubuntu server that has a NAS mounted. my NAS doesn't support the rsync you are using.

    I have named the script file .440 so I could change it in my file

    First problem is when when I'm running this command

    ./xsibackup.440 --backup-point=support.inet:22:/export/backup/esxi:D --backup-type=custom --backup-vms=pfSense,Freesco,mIRCwars,Plex,Support,graylog --mail-from=xisbackup@master.inet --smtp-srv=senja.inet --smtp-port=25 --smtp-auth=none --mail-to=raport@senja.inet --subject="Delta backup of all running VM"

    I get

    Opening port 25 for SMTPout service...
    sh: bad number
    sh: bad number

    No errors with previus version

    If I run this
    ./xsibackup.440 --backup-point=support.inet:22:/export/backup/esxi:F --backup-type=custom --backup-vms=Support,graylog --mail-from=xisbackup@master.inet --smtp-srv=senja.inet --smtp-port=25 --smtp-auth=none --mail-to=raport@senja.inet --subject="Full backup of all running VM"

    I get in a e-mail

    rsync: --whole-file --sparse: unknown option rsync error: syntax or usage error (code 1) at main.c(1554) [client=3.1.0]

    I have also have a KO! on one of my VM's, where should I start TS ?


  • 33HOPS

    33HOPS - 2015-08-09

    "sh: bad number" is a bug that will be fixed in next version. It is not critic though.
    Using Rsync over TCP/IP to any system other than ESXi 5.X, 6.X is not supported. You are allowed to modify the source code for personal or commercial use just as long as you do not redistribute the modified source code.

    • Zedde

      Zedde - 2015-08-10

      Hi, thanks for the reply. Okay, thought too, just liked to report it.

      Okay, I haven't changed anything in script. Only thing that is diffrens between the to commands is one is full the other is a delta backup. :D and :F It's a rsync error msg. I'm using the rsync that comes with the zipfile.

      Delta works fine except for one VM. Is there any logfile I could check why this happen ?

  • 33HOPS

    33HOPS - 2015-08-10

    All output is onscreen, you have an .ERRXXXXX file in the XSIBackup directory that is embedded in the e-mail report.

    • Zedde

      Zedde - 2015-08-11

      Hmm, okay when I'm doing the delta the e-mail report just say KO! on one of the VM.

  • 33HOPS

    33HOPS - 2015-08-11

    Taking on account that XSIBackup has not been designed to support what you are trying to do, it is an absolute miracle that you are getting any kind of positive result. Mirror to a second ESXi box or to an NFS/ iSCSI datastore.

    • Zedde

      Zedde - 2015-08-12

      I couldn't connect my NFS NAS to my ESXi host for some reason and I don't have a extra host. So I tried it this way and it worked. As it uses standard rsync I didn't see any problem so I tested. I guess there are some more "magic" in the script. I tried to read it but It was to long time since I did bash scriptning and my was realy simple. I did a pre-installation script for ESXi 3 and 4. I hade a independet disk connected to the host that got the KO! msg. I removed that drive and testing running the delta backup again. The full still failed.

      • Jayce Piel

        Jayce Piel - 2015-08-13

        Maybe you could use the same turnaround as i did in this thread :

        I use rsync on an existing backup.

        • Zedde

          Zedde - 2015-08-13

          The failed VM was due to a inpended hdd. worked fine after I removed it.

          • Jayce Piel

            Jayce Piel - 2015-08-13

            Oh, i should have think about that, i've run into the same issue, but i easily identified the culprit since i had only 1 vm having it, and it was the only one causing issues at that time. :)

  • 33HOPS

    33HOPS - 2015-08-13

    Independent disks are not affected by snapshots and thus they cannot be hot backed up. We will improve this part of the program to add a warning and skip the disk instead of rising the error.

    • Zedde

      Zedde - 2015-08-13

      Short question, are the hot backups with a memory snapshot I couldn't do a memory snapshot when I hade a independent drive.

  • 33HOPS

    33HOPS - 2015-08-14

    Hot backups are performed on top of a snapshot. Independent disks are not affected by snapshots, so you should make a "cold" backup by using the argument --backup-how=cold on VMs that have an independent disk. Otherwise the disk will be locked at the time of backing it up and XSIBackup will raise the corresponding error. We will change this so that when an independent disk is present at the time of making a hot backup it is skipped and a warning is shown in the e-mail report.

    VSphere client does not allow you to take a snapshot if the VM has an independent disk. XSIBackup on the contrary is able to take a snapshot even if the VM has an independent disk, but it cannot backup the independent disk due to it being locked.


    Last edit: 33HOPS 2015-08-14
    • Zedde

      Zedde - 2015-08-15

      Ahh okay thanks.


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