
how to use XPyLIB-0.1.2 with boa-constructor?

  • tadaovn toiloi

    tadaovn toiloi - 2010-09-30

    how to use XPyLIB-0.1.2 with boa-constructor ?

  • Alex

    Alex - 2010-10-01

    XPyLIB have package "XPyTools.codetpl" which allow use templates for writing source code. This package placed in directory  (in source code) and have plug-in "".  You can install this Boa plug-in in Boa constructor as described in "install.txt" file (XPyLIB library must be installed). In Boa editor after reload appears in menu "Edit" group with next items:

    Code Template Template Alt+T - Show list of code snippets,
    Code Tpl New Alt+Q - Show dialog here you can select templates,
    Code Template Keywords Alt+K - Show list with keywords.

    Also in XPyTools.codetpl API described how add and change templates and templates menu.

    For install plug-in:

    - Backup you "/plug-ins/" from main Boa constructor
        folder (where Boa is installed).
    - Copy from "XPyTools/codetpl/boa-plug-ins/" to
        "/plug-ins/" in main Boa folder.
    - When run boa-constructor you must use option "-Wx.x" where "x.x" version of
        wxPython installed on you computer. For Boa by default load 2.6 if it
        have, but for plug-in you must select or high. For example you
        may start boa with line: "boa-constructor -W2.8".

    This plug-in must replace original becouse if it was have other name or
    copied in other place - then it do not work ???

    I can't find reason of this bug ???

  • Alex

    Alex - 2010-10-01

    Also you must enable this plug-in in Boa preferences (after changes you need reload Boa).

  • tadaovn toiloi

    tadaovn toiloi - 2010-10-27

    but  folder boa_pluggins  have not at  XPyLIB-0.1.2

  • Alex

    Alex - 2010-10-27

    Oh! This is realy.
    I miss much  files from "codetpl" package.

    I add "" file to folder in download page ( You can dowload missed package and replace old "codetpl" by new in folder "XPyTools/".

  • tadaovn toiloi

    tadaovn toiloi - 2010-10-30

    thanks you ,alexmv77

    how i can use this plug-in of boa-constructor ?

    i can't see it

  • Alex

    Alex - 2010-11-01

    If you setup codetpl plug-in right (replace standart CodeTemplate plug-in in Boa program directory, and codetpl placed in XPyLIB.XPyTools directory) then you can use it in the editor when editing file - Select menu Edit and bottom you can see codetpl menu with access keys:

    - Code Template Template Alt+T
    - Code Tpl New Alt+Q
    - Code Template Keyword Alt+K

    You can open codetpl throw menu or by press Alt+Q, select need action (New tab for example):

    Keywords Alt+K show only list:

  • tadaovn toiloi

    tadaovn toiloi - 2010-11-03


    Now, I can use it


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