
XPontus XML Editor is ready

Hi everybody,

The version of XPontus XML Editor( is out. XPontus XML Editor is a simple XML Editor oriented towards text editing. It aims to become the free alternative to commercial XML IDEs such as XML SPy or Oxygen XML Editor. The software has been entirely rewritten to support plugins, so most of XPontus features are provided as plugins which can be extended.

Here is the complete list of the major features :
* Modularity : XPontus is now built on top of a plugin framework to allow a modular development. Most of XPontus features are provided as plugins.
* Code completion : For general XML files code completion is built on the fly when a DTD or schema is associated to the document. XSL completion is provided using a DTD embedded in the XML code completion plugin. For HTML files, an embedded DTD is used to create the code completion database.
* XPath 1.0 support
* Syntax coloring is enabled for XML and HTML related files.
* XSL transformations (PDF, HTML, XML, SVG, TEXT).
* Check if XML is well formed
* Validation : Simple XML validation, Batch XML validation, External schema validation
* Code structure browser to display the hierarchic structure of XML and HTML files
* Code indentation is available for XML and HTML related files.
* File system abstractions : XPontus will be able to use file system abstraction which means that a FTP file and a local file will be look all the same to the application.
* Schema generation/conversion(Generation of DTDS, XML schemas, Relax NG grammars from XML files).
* HTML Documentation generation from XML schemas or DTD
* Installers are available for Windows, Mac and Linux/Unix(FreeBSD, Solaris)
* Platform independence : As XPontus is written Java, it runs on most platforms such as Windows, Mac OS, Linux/Unix, FreeBSD, MacOS, Solaris.
* Drag and drop support, common editing features(print, etc.), control+pageup and control+pagedown to switch between windows.

Homepage :
Screenshots :
Downloads :
Features :
License : GPL
Author : Yves Zoundi

Posted by Yves Zoundi 2008-03-19

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