
what is it?

  • Manfred

    Manfred - 2009-08-19

    Does this project mean somebody took the Xplanner Code and is tries to bring it to life again?
    Can somebody tell me a bit more about this project, atm there is not much info.

    • Maxim Chirkov (XPlanner+)

      Yes. Since Xplanner project looks like dead, we decided to improve it.
      And of cause, we need to improve information about this project.
      We are planning to post more info when we will have more stable version.

    • tatyana

      tatyana - 2009-08-21

      it is XPlanner+, tool for scrum and Xtreme programming.
      The hierarchy in XPlanner+ comes from agile methods.

      ---- Task

      Besides we created a new design and added functionality for email notifications.

  • Alexey Chernysh

    Alexey Chernysh - 2009-09-16

    What version / svn revision of XPlanner have you used to create the project?

  • Maxim Chirkov (XPlanner+)

    For creation of this project the following branch was used xplanner 0.7b7


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