
Confirm fixes for 2.1.2, please

  • minahito

    minahito - 2007-09-06

    As you know, we are taking the rule to handle items of the tracker. That's the following;

    1) Someone fix a bug or submit a patch.
    2) Fix code is committed to the repository.
    3) Someone (or committer) changes the resolution status of the item to 'Fixed'.
    4) Another one confirm the fix.
    5) Someone closes the item.

    Maybe we should not keep this rule, because there are few active men in this project.

    • Gigamaster

      Gigamaster - 2007-09-06

      Just now everybody seems busy. Maybe you should give some time...
      for test, documentation, distributions, themes or translations.
      After the next release discuss about a direction to the project
      and decide to change the rule or not.

      Best Regards,



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