
Configuration of keymap

  • freeminder

    freeminder - 2004-10-07

    I have Powerbook G4 with Fink installed as well as XDarwin for Mac OS X from the XFree86-project.

    I have been trying to change the keybord config from English to Swedish but not sure how to do this.

    The xfree86 package is stated to be:
    Version: 4.4.0 , Revision: 12 , BuildDepends: gcc3.1, gcc3.3

    In the file :/sw/fink/10.3/stable/main/finkinfo/x11-system/

    Some suggestions how to do?

    /Per ;)

    • Torrey T. Lyons

      Torrey T. Lyons - 2004-10-07

      You don't say what version of Mac OS X you are using. You can try just changing the keymapping file listed in the XDarwin preferences and then restarting XDarwin.

    • freeminder

      freeminder - 2004-10-07

      Thanks a lot for the advice, :D
      I'm using MAC OS X (Panther). I will try to do that. Some idea where to found the XDarwin preferences?

      • Torrey T. Lyons

        Torrey T. Lyons - 2004-10-07

        Start XDarwin. Preferences are the same place they are on most Mac OS X applications. Under the "XDarwin" menu select "Preferences..." The keymapping file choice is under the "Start Up" panel.

        If you are running Panther, you can also just delete whatever it says for this field. (Leave it blank.) Then restart XDarwin and it will start with whatever your standard Aqua keymap is. On earlier versions of Mac OS X, you have to enter something there.


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