
#208 Rapid memory leak w/ switching desktops

Causes Crash
Rootless (76)
Chris Green

When using a window manager such as icewm or
windowmaker and using switching workspaces inside the
window manager, each desktop switch causes the XDarwin
process to use more memory.

I'm using Xfree/ XDarwin under OS X
10.2. I noticed this problem also under 10.1.


  • Torrey T. Lyons

    Torrey T. Lyons - 2002-09-27

    Logged In: YES

    Do you mean that when you switch back and forth between the same two workspaces XDarwin consistently grows its size? To be sure of this you'd want to make sure this happens each time for four or more switches. Or do you mean it grows each time you switch to a new workspace you haven't previously used?

  • Chris Green

    Chris Green - 2002-09-27

    Logged In: YES

    When there are two desktops, I use Meta+1 / Meta+2 to swap
    back and forth between the workspaces.

    I run top in an xterm on Desktop1, remotely tunneled xemacs
    or locally running X11 mozilla on desktop. When I swap to
    desktop 2 and then swap back to desktop 1, the memory usage

    About every afternoon, I've swapped so many times that the
    process is killed by OS X ( most likely because of mem usuage)

    This was with X11 running in rootless mode under Aqua. If I
    switch to fullscreen mode, the memory leak is not apparent.

  • Chris Green

    Chris Green - 2002-09-27

    Logged In: YES

    Here's what I see:

    cmg 4417 1.9 41.8 583544 219016 ?? S Thu08AM
    5:28.63 /Applications/

    <switch desktops and back again>

    cmg 4417 3.0 43.0 607152 225560 ?? S Thu08AM
    5:30.63 /Applications/

    <switch dekstops and back again>

    cmg 4417 3.3 46.9 630216 245836 ?? S Thu08AM
    5:31.65 /Applications/

    % xlsclients
    '' wmaker gnome-terminal gnome-terminal
    '' gnome-terminal xemacs
    '' xemacs -f gnus xemacs -f gnus gaim

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    A simpler configuration to show a possible memory leak:

    17" iMac
    Mac OS 10.2.1
    default install
    default windows opened when X is launched
    default window manager (twm)
    running top in the first window

    Moving the mouse back and forth between two of the windows (without
    clicking) will eventually cause VSIZE of the XDarwin process to
    increase by about .2MB for every 20 focus changes.

    Repeated clicking in the resize box of a window will add about .1MB for
    every 5 clicks.

    This could be normal behavior if XDarwin uses a background garbage
    collector otherwise it looks like a real leak.

  • Adrian

    Adrian - 2002-10-16

    Logged In: YES

    This sounds very similar to the following post:

    However, I've not been able to see it myself (I'm using
    The person in the post is using 10.1.4.

    Do you have any 'weird' things installed, that might 'tap
    into' an application in some way? (I'm thinking "unsanity"
    and "haxie" here...)

    Could you try this with a brand new user? (i.e. create a new
    user, with no extra 'bells and whistles' installed, set up
    the .xinitrc, and then try out XDarwin...)



  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Nothing special here. This is a new 17" iMac with a newly installed OS
    10.2 with software updates from Apple. Xfree86 and XDarwin were just
    installed from the pre-compiled binaries and I haven't modified any
    config files or even created a .xinitrc so its using whatever the builtin
    default is.

    Created a new user and launched X from the applications folder -- same

    Ran X rooted -- same symptoms (except the initial memory was only
    68.7M instead of 85.1M and seemed to grow faster).

    Removed the preference for multiple monitor support -- same symptoms

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I see this problem when switching focus (clicking) between two windows
    under Gnome. My config is the same as mentioned above. I haven't
    tried other window managers. For me, this only occurred in rootless
    mode, not full screen. Perhaps the same issue?
    I also see a memory leak when repeatedly selecting/deselecting text
    into the clipboard, but that might be a different issue.

  • Chris Green

    Chris Green - 2002-11-04

    Logged In: YES

    Just to verify, I upgraded to the new fink unstable package
    for, and the problem persists.

    I confirm that my problem only occurs in rootless mode.

    I also confirm the text selection via mouse leaks as well.

  • Adrian

    Adrian - 2002-11-06

    Logged In: YES

    I'm curious to know if those having this problem are all
    using XFree86 installed via fink? (At least initially -
    maybe updates have been applied from the XonX site on top of
    a fink-installed 4.2.0/4.1.0.)

    Is there anyone who has a 'pure XonX' installation who is
    seeing this problem?

    If not, is it possible to try reinstalling XFree86 from
    scratch using the 'official' installers (starting with
    4.2.0, then applying the updates):



  • Greg Parker

    Greg Parker - 2002-11-12

    Logged In: YES

    I can reproduce this with an XDarwin built from source running mostly-standard twm with focus-follows-mouse. When rapidly changing window focus (by wiggling the mouse between two xterm windows), XDarwin leaks about 50K/s. Other drawing operations like typing and window resize don't appear to leak.

    For each focus change, twm is redrawing the window border (flat gray and 50% b&w stipple). There's no other obvious drawing.

  • Greg Parker

    Greg Parker - 2002-11-12

    Logged In: YES

    If the problem is with window border redrawing, the bug may only show itself in some window managers or some wm configurations; many don't use the X11 "window border" feature.

  • Greg Parker

    Greg Parker - 2002-11-12

    Logged In: YES

    The focus change leak appears to be an Apple bug introduced in Jaguar. I've filed a bug report. I'm not sure whether the desktop-switch leak described here has the same source.

    (SetCCursor() leaks 8K every time it changes cursors, and changing focus between xterms switches the cursor between ibeam and arrow. There's no quick workaround.)

  • Torrey T. Lyons

    Torrey T. Lyons - 2003-02-01
    • assigned_to: nobody --> torrey
    • status: open --> open-fixed
  • Torrey T. Lyons

    Torrey T. Lyons - 2003-02-01

    Logged In: YES

    The large leaks when switching desktops should be fixed in the top of the tree. The top of the tree is very close to being final for XFree86 4.3.0 so it would be great if anyone could confirm.

  • Torrey T. Lyons

    Torrey T. Lyons - 2003-02-07
    • status: open-fixed --> closed-fixed

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