
Filter button not showing

  • Olaf Achthoven

    Olaf Achthoven - 2011-07-27

    Hi, my installation is working, and I added some test files. Then I assigned
    some tags to the files and they are stored in the .xoda folder structure fine.
    But according to the documentation I should get a list of filters by pressing
    a button, but the button is not there. And yes, the preference is enabled
    (although called differently than in the docs).

    My version is: 0.3.0

  • betso

    betso - 2011-07-27

    I just tested it with 0.3.0 and with 0.3.1 and can not reproduce this problem.

    Please have in mind that your system has to have all basic Linux/Unix commands
    command line utilities available. In the case of the "Filters" find, grep,
    and sed are required.

    Please consider using as it is the
    main support platform as stated here (when you click on "Support")!

    Thank you!

  • Olaf Achthoven

    Olaf Achthoven - 2011-07-29

    It turned out that you can't put the Meta folder inside the document root.
    When I moved it out, it worked fine.