
Pick a movie

  • Martin

    Martin - 2010-12-04

    Hi again Bro!

    I've got a little request.
    I've got a whole bunch of unseen movies.
    Everytime that I wanna watch a movie I need to pick one.
    But I never know which one to chose.

    So here's my Feature Request.
    Would it be possible to implement something that selects a movie from all your unseen movies?
    Maybe something like the DUPLICATES feature?
    If you type RANDOM in the search field that it generates one movie…
    Or otherwise an option to add a button and when you click on it a window pops up with a movie.

    I've got another little request, my unseen movies are locally stored, my seen movies are stored on a network location.
    So when I've seen a movie I replace it to the network location.
    Would it be possible to implement a method that checks if all the movies who a link to a file are still at that directory?

    Thanks in advance Bro!
    Huge fan of your Movie Manager!

  • Bro

    Bro - 2010-12-09


    Both these features should be fairly simple to implement I presume.

    You can add a feature request for each of them if you'd like. That would make them easier to remember ;-)
    I can not say anything about when any of these would be implemented. Currently I'm busy with studies.


  • Martin

    Martin - 2010-12-14


    Thanks in advance.
    Good luck with the studies!



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