
Search in Extra Info

  • Nobody/Anonymous


    When I try to search in an additional info field which I have made (My Score) with the search expression {"Extra Info","My Score":10}, I get the following error:
    [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression '[General Info].ID=[Lists].ID INNER JOIN ([General Info] INNER JOIN [Lists] ON [General Info].ID=[Lists].ID ) ON [General Info].ID=[Extra Info].ID'.

    Is this a bug or am I making a mistake?

    In the queries, I have managed to do the search like this:
    SELECT "General Info"."Title", "General Info"."Date"
    FROM "General Info" inner join "Extra Info" on "General Info".id="Extra Info".id
    WHERE "Extra Info"."My Score" = '10';

    Greets and thanks for a fantastic application!

    • Bro

      Bro - 2009-06-10


      I'll check it out and see whats going on.

      Thanks for reporting.


    • devdv

      devdv - 2009-07-16

      Hey Bro,

      Have you found a solution for this yet?

      Thanks again!

      • Bro

        Bro - 2009-07-16

        Oh, thats right, forgot about this.
        I've fixed it, and I'll release a new version as soon as I can, hopefully today, but if not today, it'll be next week.

        Thanks for reminding me.


        • Bro

          Bro - 2009-07-16

          Version 2.8.6 is out.



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