
Newbie Can't Add a Movie from IMDb

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-03-10

    Will someone please help me get started?  I type in a movie title in the "Title" field, click "Get IMDB Info".  It finds the movie title I entered, so I click 'Select'.  Long pause, and then all I get is the plot summary and the IMDb 7-digit ID number.  The title field is emptied - so all I end up with is the plot summary and the ID number.  Using a Mac with Snow Leopard; exact version is 10.6.6.  What am I doing wrong?  Sorry to be dense, but I searched the forums - all the topics and questions are WAY more advanced than I am!  Thanks much

  • Bro

    Bro - 2011-03-10


    It works when I test. Which movies have you tried?


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-03-10

    Hi, Bro:  Thanks for your reply; I used "Tender Mercies" as my test.   Didn't try any other title.

  • Bro

    Bro - 2011-03-10


    When I test "Tender Mercies", all the fields are populated with info; Title, director, written by, cast, plot…


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I just tried "Lord of the Rings" and the same thing happened - I only get the plot and the IMDb ID number.  I MUST have some setting that wrong - it's a fresh download and install, so it CAN'T be outdated.

  • Bro

    Bro - 2011-03-12

    hmm…then I guess you don't have the latest version of the IMDb Lib.
    If you go to Help->Check for updates, does it say "No updates currently available"?


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I re-downloaded and re-installed the database, and now it's working!  Don't know what I did wrong the first time around, but it's fixed now.  I thank you for your help - It was nice to have the moral support!


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