
#489 Audio Described is output as 'deaf-signed'


In the UK Atlas grabber, Audio Described is output as 'deaf-signed' which makes it impossible to distinguish from actual programmes with Sign Language.
Could Audio Described be output differently please?

I think it's probably these lines:
623 push @{$xmlprog{'subtitles'}}, {'type' => 'deaf-signed'} if $bcast{'deaf_signed'};
624 push @{$xmlprog{'subtitles'}}, {'type' => 'deaf-signed'} if $bcast{'audio_signed'};


  • Geoff

    Geoff - 2014-07-11

    there are only 3 allowed values for "subtitles":
    teletext | onscreen | deaf-signed

    Which would you propose to use for 'Audio Described'?

    p.s. what's the difference then between 'audio_signed' and 'deaf_signed'?

  • jof006

    jof006 - 2014-07-11

    Audio Described is a separate audio stream, usually displayed in TV EPGs as [AD]. It has nothing to do with subtitles.
    Signed is in-vision sign language, usually displayed in TV EPGs as [SL].

    Ideally "Audio Described" should have a unique name since it has nothing to do with subtitles. If it can't have a unique name, personally I'd prefer not to have it at all, so that I can pick up deaf-signed only. Surely it should definitely not be labelled deaf-signed.
    How about something like
    511 $bcast{'audio_described'} = (defined($bdc{'audio_described'}) && $bdc{'audio_described'} eq true) ? true : false;
    624 push @{$xmlprog{'audio-described'}}, if $bcast{'audio_described'};


    Last edit: jof006 2014-07-11
  • Geoff

    Geoff - 2014-07-12
    • labels: --> tv_grab_uk_atlas
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
    • Group: none --> 0.5.66
  • Geoff

    Geoff - 2014-07-12

    Thanks for the info. - "audio described" removed (in v1.24)

  • jof006

    jof006 - 2014-07-12

    Thanks very much for that.
    Was it not possible to keep the 'audio-described' information as a separate element?

    Is it possible to get a nightly build that includes this?
    Thanks again.


    Last edit: jof006 2014-07-12
  • Geoff

    Geoff - 2014-07-12

    Afraid it's not present in the XMLTV spec (DTD) so I couldn't add it.

    If you're using the Linux build (rather than the Windows exe) then you can just download the file from CVS and replace your local copy.

  • jof006

    jof006 - 2014-07-12

    I'm on Windows. Is there a nightly build for that?

  • Geoff

    Geoff - 2014-07-12

    I'm afraid not, sorry

  • jof006

    jof006 - 2014-07-25

    OK, I finally got a build with this included and can confirm that it works well.
    Thank you for your help.


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