
#388 Program shift - tv_grab_huro



A few days ago, the nightly program "shift".
For example:
Today (2009.11.01), the xml contains the following program (but this program is 2009.11.02 not 2009.11.01):

<programme start="20091101201000 +0100" stop="20091101220000 +0100" channel="">
<title lang="hu">A világ minden szépsége</title>
<desc lang="hu"> A világ minden szépsége (francia filmdráma, 2006) (12)</desc>
<category lang="en">Drama</category>
<category lang="hu">Dráma</category>
<programme start="20091101220000 +0100" stop="20091101223000 +0100" channel="">
<title lang="hu">Az Este</title>
<desc lang="hu"> Az Este - Hétfõ</desc>
<programme start="20091101223000 +0100" stop="20091101224000 +0100" channel="">
<title lang="hu">Memento</title>
<desc lang="hu"> Memento</desc>
<programme start="20091101224000 +0100" stop="20091102001500 +0100" channel="">
<title lang="hu">Gyermekszív</title>
<desc lang="hu"> Gyermekszív (am. filmdráma, 1994) (12) Két Los Angelesi család megrázó igaz történetét mutatja be ez a film. Vajon megmenthetõ egy gyermek élete egy másik halála árán? Vajon sikerül-e a világon az elsõ újszülött csecsemõszívátültetés.</desc>
<category lang="en">Drama</category>
<category lang="hu">Dráma</category>

But the contains the right program information. It is very interesting, because only the night affected. The daily programs are correct.
For more information, please see the attached files. One xml, and one screen shot from the

If I remember correctly, 1 year ago we had the same situation.


  • Z Z

    Z Z - 2009-11-01
  • Zsolt Bagoly

    Zsolt Bagoly - 2009-11-02

    I'm abroad with no acces to my system: I'll solve the problem ASAP when I'm home. It will be around 10th of November.

  • Attila Nagy

    Attila Nagy - 2009-11-03

    Are you still experiencing this problem with the newest version? (Try downloading the alpha-exe if you're using windows)

    Currently I could not reproduce your problem.

  • Zsolt Bagoly

    Zsolt Bagoly - 2009-11-10

    Well, it is NOT the same problem! I've checked out the

    # $Id:,v 1.35 2009/10/20 16:28:52 attila_nagy Exp $

    version, and it is working (almost) perfectly. The is only a small problem with the default country setup: if somebady (like me;-) ) leaves out the

    country hu

    line from the tv_grab_huro.conf file, the program does NOT set the TZ variable, and complains with a parse_local_date error. So there's a quick solution: include the above line in the tv_grab_huro.conf file. The permanent solution would be to apply the attached patch (I don't have cvs checkin access).

  • Zsolt Bagoly

    Zsolt Bagoly - 2009-11-10

    TZ patch + correcting a little indogermanism ;-) ...

  • Attila Nagy

    Attila Nagy - 2009-11-10

    I've applied your patch.

    There was another error: in some cases the lower region of the programme site is empty. This caused all the evening programs being shifted one day earlier. I've fixed this: the case is now detected correctly.

    All of the above is committed to the CVS.

  • Attila Nagy

    Attila Nagy - 2009-11-10
    • status: open --> open-fixed
  • Mester

    Mester - 2009-11-13

    I have the same problem. I always have tomorrow's program insted of todays. I'm using Windows and I still have this problem even with the latest alpha-exe (version 2009.10.20.16)

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Attila, Zsolt!

    Próbáljátok ki, h délelőtt frissítitek a műsorújságot. Akkor előjön a +1 napos eltolás. Ha este frissül, akkor minden rendben.

  • Attila Nagy

    Attila Nagy - 2009-11-16

    This bug has been fixed on nov. 10. Please try a newer version.

    rmeden, could you please update the alpha-exe?

  • RegEszter

    RegEszter - 2009-11-19

    Nekem 0-ás fájl jön le innen. Rossz helyről töltöm?

  • Mester

    Mester - 2009-11-20

    I also can not download the alpha-exe. The downloaded file's size is 0 byte.

  • Attila Nagy

    Attila Nagy - 2009-11-20

    Alpha-exe has been updated, please try it now.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    There's still a problem in the freshest alpha with the actual running program:
    Update last evenening:
    Fresh update between the two screenshot:

    Both grab was taken with the newest alpha.

  • Geoff

    Geoff - 2014-04-10
    • status: open-fixed --> closed-fixed
    • Group: --> none
  • Geoff

    Geoff - 2014-04-10

    Was fixed in grabber version 1.36


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