
XML/XSLT Web Traverse / News: Recent posts

XMLTraverse-C out now

XMLTraverse-C is out now...

Depends on Xerces, Xalan, and TinyQ, but it will also compile with regular QT3 for extra bloat. :)

Posted by JR Boyens 2002-06-10

XMLTraverse-J 0.1 Released

XML XSLT Web Traverse parses web directories transforming XML with XSLT.

Yes, folks that's right, XMLTraverse-J 0.1 has been released. It's still very alpha, but works well for me. The plugin architecture has yet to be done, but that will come at a later date. This is also just the Java version, we plan to perhaps release a C++ version for those of you who REQUIRE speed.

This release requires:
Xalan 2 -
Xerces 1 -
GNU GetOpt - read more

Posted by JR Boyens 2002-02-07

New Project

XML/XSLT Traverse engine is just starting up.

Hopefully the SourceForge audience will enjoy it.

More news soon...

Posted by JR Boyens 2001-10-31