
xmlstarlet - sel with namespaces?

  • barni

    barni - 2012-01-12

    Hello community!

    I'm new in xml and xmlstarlet and I'd like to use xmlstarlet to get some data out of a xml file.

    file.xml (input)

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="/2.6.2/style/numbers.xsl"?>
    <ops:world-patent-data xmlns:ops="" xmlns="" xmlns:ccd="" xmlns:xlink="">
        <ops:meta name="status" value="BRW002 BRW015 BRW023"/>
        <ops:meta name="info" value=""/>
        <ops:meta name="version" value="11.03.63"/>
        <ops:meta name="elapsed-time" value="122"/>
        <ops:standardization inputFormat="original" outputFormat="docdb">
                    <document-id document-id-type="original">
                    <document-id document-id-type="docdb">

    I need the values of <country>, <doc-number> and <kind> from <ops:output>.
    In this example the result should be "WO9933165A1".

    For understanding how xmlstarlet works I first try to get all values of nodes <country> with the following command line string

    xml.exe sel -t -m "//document-id" -v "country" file.xml

    But I didn't get a result. In an easier xml file with no namespaces the command line string works. So I guess the namespaces are the problem.

    Next try was

    xml.exe sel -N ops="" -t -m "//document-id" -v "country" file.xml

    But it doesn't worked too.

    I would be pleased if you can give me a short advise how I have to modify the command line string to get the country code respectively how the command line string looks like for getting the complete result "WO9933165A1" (<country>, <doc-number> and <kind>).

    Many thanks and greetings from germany,


  • Noam Postavsky

    Noam Postavsky - 2012-01-13


    This is the default namespace, any tag without a prefix in the document has this namespace. Unfortunately XPath doesn't support a default namespace so you have declare it explicity to xmlstarlet:

    xml sel -N ops=[url][/url] -N ex=[url][/url] -T -t -m //ops:output//ex:document-id -v ex:country -v ex:doc-number -v ex:kind -n

    Note that in recent version (1.2.1 and above)  -N ops= is not needed: xmlstarlet will automatically use the namespace declarations from the document (but not the default one).

  • barni

    barni - 2012-01-13


    That's great, it worked - thank you very much!



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