
XML-based expression evaluator / News: Recent posts

1.1-SNAPSHOT-3 Released!

The real 1.1 release is getting closer. This release contains lots of added features over the previous release and contains nearly all 1.1 features. Unfortunately, features got in the way of documentation, which is unchanged from 1.1-SNAPSHOT-2, and may even be incorrect on a point or two. Next release will be all about documentation.

Posted by Erik van Zijst 2006-06-12

xmlmath-1.1-SNAPSHOT-2 released

This second public snapshot release of xmlmath now comes with the ability to incude stanzas and declarations from external files, This allows one to build libraries of (often mathematical) routines and computations that can then be shared with separate expressions.

There is one major feature that needs to be added before 1.1 is officially released: the ability to pass arguments to expressions. Until then, all parameters and data has to be typed into the expression file before it is evaluated.

Posted by Erik van Zijst 2006-05-28

Initial snapshot released!

With the basic stuff in place and working, I've released an early 1.1-SNAPSHOT release that is now available for download. This is a pre-compiled package that requires Java 1.5 to run.

The package contains the (currently incomplete) manual, as well as a fair number of example expressions.

Posted by Erik van Zijst 2006-05-25