
Xholon / News: Recent posts

Xholon 0.8 released

Xholon 0.8 released

A flexible open source tool for multi-paradigm (UML 2, ABM, SBML,
NN, GP, PSys, CA, ...) modeling, simulation, design, execution, and
transformation, based on generic Java + XML building blocks, optionally
packaged as a UML + SysML + FSM simulation Eclipse plugin.

New features in the Xholon 0.8 release include:
* Xholon can now generate and run Java Swing GUIs, from component hierarchies that are specifed using XML.
* Xholon applications can now be run in a Servlet container, or in a JEE/EJB container.
* Xholon applications can be integrated into the ZK Ajax web framework.
* Xholon can generate an SVG file that represents the complete containment hierarchy and connector network.
* Objects can be pasted into a running Xholon application.
* Objects can be copied and cut from a running Xholon application.
* Xholon includes a large number of built-in mechanisms.
* Xholon now includes a range of services.
* It's now possible to run more than one Xholon application at the same time.
* A running Xholon application can save statistics to a JDBC database.
* Xholon can interact with remote or embedded XML databases and sources.
* Xholon can generate a FreeMind file.
* Many new sample applications have been added.
* This is intended to be the last release of Xholon built using Sun's 1.4.2 API and compiler.
* Made numerous other changes and fixed various bugs.... read more

Posted by Ken Webb 2009-10-04

Xholon 0.7 released

Xholon 0.7 released

A flexible open source tool for multi-paradigm (UML 2, ABM, SBML,
NN, GP, PSys, CA, ...) modeling, simulation, design, execution, and
transformation, based on generic Java + XML building blocks, optionally
packaged as a UML + SysML + FSM simulation Eclipse plugin.

New features in the Xholon 0.7 release include:
* UML + SysML + FSM (Finite State Machine) Simulation Environment, packaged as an Eclipse plugin.
* The optional plugin works with MagicDraw and Topcased (UML), and to a more limited extent with Poseidon, Topcased (SysML), and ArgoUML.
* 100% code gen + compile + execution is fully automatic.
* Xholon now also includes its own XML state machine format, backed by both a DTD and XML Schema, for use without a UML/SysML modeling tool.
* Support for Topcased 1.0.0 modeler, UML 2 and SysML.
* Initial support for export of models to Quantum Event Processor (QEP), State Machine Compiler (SMC), and State Chart XML (SCXML) formats.
* Generatation of complete Quick Sequence Diagram Editor (sdedit) sequence diagrams at runtime.
* Runtime display and animation of state machines.
* All required third-party jar files are now included with the Xholon downloads.
* Made numerous other changes and fixed various bugs.... read more

Posted by Ken Webb 2007-10-03

Xholon 0.6 released

Xholon 0.6 released

A flexible open source tool for multi-paradigm (UML 2, ABM, SBML,
FSM, DynamicalSystem, PSystem, NN, GP, CA, ...) modeling,
simulation, design, execution, and transformation. Generic Java
and XML building blocks are extended into multiple domains,
and woven into loosely organized systems.

New features in the Xholon 0.6 release include:
* State machine animation.
* Additional UML 2 state machine features - fork, join, junction.
* Histograms.
* Line charts, histograms, graphs can be viewed anytime while
simulation is running.
* Charts update in real-time.
* Increased architectural flexibility and integration.
* Improved documentation of sample models.
* Additional NetLogo-like syntax.
* Supports more than 20 probablity distributions.
* Supports agent-based modeling (ABM) "stupid models" benchmark set.
* Now consistently licensed under the LGPL.
* Made numerous other changes and fixed various bugs.... read more

Posted by Ken Webb 2007-06-02

Xholon 0.5 released

Xholon 0.5 released

Tools that model, transform, simulate and execute building blocks from
multiple domains, woven into loosely-coupled ecosystems. Event-driven
Xholon apps are expressed using XML, XPath, and Java activities,
optionally created with third-party UML 2 tools.

Model dynamic event-driven apps using UML 2 concepts (composite structure,
ports, state machines, etc.) expressed in XML, XPath, and simple Java
activities. Or design with third-party UML 2 tools & MDA transforms.
Execute using Xholon runtime framework.... read more

Posted by Ken Webb 2007-03-26

Xholon 0.4 released

The Xholon runtime framework executes applications that are event-driven or
that have highly dynamic structure or behavior.

Model dynamic event-driven apps using UML 2 concepts (composite structure,
ports, state machines, etc.) expressed in XML, XPath, and simple Java
activities. Or design with third-party UML 2 tools & MDA transforms.
Execute using Xholon runtime framework.

New features in the Xholon 0.4 release include:... read more

Posted by Ken Webb 2006-10-17

Xholon 0.3 released

The Xholon runtime framework executes applications that are event-driven
or that have highly dynamic structure or behavior. Specify your models
using XML and Java, or using third-party UML 2.0 tools and
MDA transformations.

0.3 is a Beta release of Xholon, upgraded from its previous Alpha status.

New features in the 0.3 release include:

* All Xholon applications can now be loaded and executed using a GUI.
It presents the entire application in the form of a tree, divided
into Model, View and Controller sub-trees.
- The Controller sub-tree offers the ability to Start, Pause/un-Pause,
Step and Stop the Xholon application.... read more

Posted by Ken Webb 2006-07-14

Xholon 0.2 released

The Xholon runtime framework executes applications that are event-driven
or that have highly dynamic structure or behavior. Specify your models
using XML and Java, or using third-party UML 2.0 tools and
MDA transformations.

New features in the 0.2 release include:

* Executes additional features of the UML 2.0 state machine specification.

* Transforms and executes MagicDraw 10.0 UML models that have composite
structure, ports, and state machines. This is in addition to the previous
ability to transform and execute Poseidon 3.2 UML models that have state
machines.... read more

Posted by Ken Webb 2005-12-05