
Xholon 0.6 released

Xholon 0.6 released

A flexible open source tool for multi-paradigm (UML 2, ABM, SBML,
FSM, DynamicalSystem, PSystem, NN, GP, CA, ...) modeling,
simulation, design, execution, and transformation. Generic Java
and XML building blocks are extended into multiple domains,
and woven into loosely organized systems.

New features in the Xholon 0.6 release include:
* State machine animation.
* Additional UML 2 state machine features - fork, join, junction.
* Histograms.
* Line charts, histograms, graphs can be viewed anytime while
simulation is running.
* Charts update in real-time.
* Increased architectural flexibility and integration.
* Improved documentation of sample models.
* Additional NetLogo-like syntax.
* Supports more than 20 probablity distributions.
* Supports agent-based modeling (ABM) "stupid models" benchmark set.
* Now consistently licensed under the LGPL.
* Made numerous other changes and fixed various bugs.

See release notes and change log for details.

For more information, visit:

Posted by Ken Webb 2007-06-02

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