
XGen Source Code Generator / News: Recent posts

XGen2 new and improved

This is a complete overhaul of the previous releases. Support for POJO persistence as well as containers and inheritance.

Posted by Brad Matlack 2004-07-20

XGen has moved to XiT

XGen has moved to the XiT Transformation Engine! XiT provides a standard architecture for managing data transformations like source code generation.
Check it out at

Posted by Brad Matlack 2002-05-14

XGen 1.1.0 release

XGen source code generator creates Java source code from a simple xml document. Its primary function is to generate JDBC compliant beans that allow object level persistence to relational databases. It has full support for all JDBC 2.0 datatypes.

This release added two new methods:
-loadFromParameterMap() permits loading from HttpServletRequest parameter maps (which return String[])
-loadByKey() returns a Map of beans keyed on column values

Posted by Brad Matlack 2002-04-08

xgen-1.0.2 patch

bug fix: primary key not correctly expressed in ConcurrencyCheck()

Posted by Brad Matlack 2002-04-08

xgen-1.0.1 patch

Source creation failed when using Integers as a primary key. This has been fixed in release 1.0.1

Posted by Brad Matlack 2002-04-04

Xgen: Xml to Java Source Code Generator

Xgen 1.0 has been released. It generates persistent capable Java beans for accessing JDBC compliant databases.

Posted by Brad Matlack 2002-03-21