

Allan Cunliffe

The following procedure will produce Xena and the Xena plug-ins, both of which are Java ARchive (JAR) files.

The xena.jar file contains two applications:

  • Xena - a simple application which uses the Xena framework to normalise files
  • Xena Viewer - a very simple application which is used to view .xena files, produced by the Xena normalisation process.

From the command-line:

1. Go to the xena-source directory you created earlier (see [Preparing_for_installation]):

cd <path to the xena-source directory>

2. Change directory to xena:

cd xena

This directory should include the following:

  • directory named src
  • build.xml file.

3. Enter the ant command:


Result: Ant will run the default build command contained within the build.xml file. This will compile the source code and build the xena.jar file. When the process has finished successfully, BUILD SUCCESSFUL is displayed in the command window. The xena.jar file is in the xena/xena/dist directory.

4. Build the plug-ins:

ant -f build_plugins.xml

Result: When the process has finished successfully, BUILD SUCCESSFUL is displayed in the command-line interface window. The JAR files for each of the Xena plug-ins are in the xena/xena/dist/plugins directory.

You can now start Xena. See [Starting_Xena] for more details.


Wiki: Downloading_source_files
Wiki: Main_Page
Wiki: Preparing_for_installation
Wiki: Starting_Xena