
opening xena file

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    support for previous query - how do you open the downloaded xena 2mg + file?


    • Michael Carden

      Michael Carden - 2005-08-11

      The xena installation is a gzipped tar file (.tgz). To decompress and untar the file:

      Linux/Unix: tar -zxvf xena2_0_0.tgz

      Windows: use any good decompressor (e.g. )

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        thanks for this,
        for future reference and queries for Windows XP users

        Download needs to be opened in two stages, with right click and "extract here" in Windows xp, then same for the smaller 29kb file, then of course the patch put into the Java runtime etc.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I have a problem with Xena installation.
      After unpacking the archive, in xena2_0_0 folder there are just 3 files: readme.txt, readme_xalan.txt and xalan.jar. And no xena.jar file.

      platform: windows 2000
      java 2 runtime environment: version: 1.5.0_04

      Could anybody help me with this?

      Many thanks,
      Branko Kovacevic

      • Michael Carden

        Michael Carden - 2005-10-23

        From your description, you appear not to have downloaded the complete archive. Try following the links from and check that you do receive 26567kB of data from your local mirror.

        I just checked the Australian mirror and received the full download.

        Michael Carden


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