
#35 Differentiate between warning and error

ejbdoclet (28)

I use jEdit as my IDE. It has a plugin called Ant Farm
which will execute Ant builds. It in turn uses another
plugin called the Console plugin to display the results
of the build. The Console plugin uses regular
expressions to detect errors in the code and then sends
these errors on to yet another plugin called the Error
plugin. The Error plugin then displays the errors found.

The issue is that the regular expression used to match
errors matches the warnings logged by EjbDocletTask.
However, EjbDocletTask reports at the bottom that there
were "x warnings" so it does know these should be
warnings. Would it be possible when writing warnings
coming back from JavaDoc to prepend "Warning: " to the
message? Or perhaps some other solution.

In any case, this makes it difficult when I am browsing
the error list to separate the errors from the warnings.


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