
xchecker 0.9 pre-alpha available

I've made a "pre-alpha" version available for download.

It can:

- Run xml schema, xslt, xpath, xquery checks
- Only runnable from the command line
- Run checks against XML files
- Run checks against transforms
- Run check suites
- Write the results to standard out


- Add support for Relax NG
- Code and publish the API
- Put all xchecker elements in a namespace and publish a schema for the Check Configs and Suites
- Code a GUI
- Make the app multithreaded (using all the cool new concurrency stuff in 1.6)
- Write the results to an XML file with client side styling
- Optionally write the results to log files
- Optionally System.exit(1) on a fail to cause ANT to fail
- and loads of other stuff that I haven't thought of yet...

Posted by Andrew Welch 2007-05-25

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