
#414 MPEG-2 files larger than 2GB/2048MB fail to play


The partitions on my computer are all NTFS.

I ripped/muxed VOBs from a 2 hour movie into a 4GB
MPEG-2 using TMPEGEnc 2.520. I did not convert the
video, I used "simple de-multiplex" and "simple multiplex"
to keep the video in the original format. The audio was
converted from AC3 to MP2 stereo using latest BeSweet.

The MPG played flawlessly in Windows Media Player 9.

It failed to play from XBMP/SMB, immediately kicked me
back to the "My Videos" list.

Only the first hour (or 2GB) played from XBMP/XNS
before it started playing from the beginning again.

I even tried increasing the SMB and XNS caches to
32768 in config.xml, but this made no difference.

I transferred the entire MPG to XBOX drive E and again,
only the first hour (or 2GB) played before it started
playing from the beginning again.

This MPG plays fine when split into 1GB chunks.

I also tried several MPEG2 movies I've recorded with
SnapStream. The file sizes range from 1Gb to 6.5Gb and
the 2 resolutions/bitrates I commonly use are
720x480@4000000bits/s and 640x480@8000000bits/s. I
have a Hauppauge PVR-250 capture card which takes
care of the encoding. All of these movies playback
flawlessly in Windows Media Player 9. I can fast forward
and rewind, and WMP9 does not crash.

So with the XBMP 2.4 Point Release I tried playing all of
these movies through a SMB share.
All movies < 2Gb play fine.
No movie > than 2GB played and XBMP would
immediately kick you back to the "My Videos" list.

Then I setup RelaX 0.75 on my PC and shared the same
movie directory.
All movies regardless of size would play, BUT at the 2Gb
mark during playback, the movies would either freeze
(locking up the XBOX solid) OR they would start playing
from the beginning again.
I know this happens at the 2Gb mark, because it is
always 1/3 of the way (37-40 minute mark) into a 2
hour/6Gb movie or half way through a 4Gb movie.

I've tested XBMP 2.4/2.3 point releases, XBMP CVS
8/24/2003 and XBMP CVS 9/11/2003. All the results
were the same.

This could'nt be some kind of XBOX limitation on file
sizes because the XboxMediaPlayer 2.4 point release
notes state "Support for MPEG & OGM files larger than
2GB (not OpenDML AVI's) (NEW!)".

Here's my configuration:

Xecutor 2.2 Pro
Mod flashed w/ Xecuter2_4978.3
XBMP 2.4 CVS 9/11/2003 build (default dashboard)
No other mods were done (ie. HD, DVD Drive)
Running in NTSC-M mode with de-interlace on

P4 1.4 Ghz
250GB 7200RPM HD
Hauppauge PVR-250
NVIDIA GeoForce4 Ti4200
WinXP Pro SP1
NTFS on all partitions
SnapStream 3.2 (records MPEG2 using PVR-250)
RelaX 0.75
Windows Media Player 9

NetGear WGR614 wireless G and wired
Computer 100 mbit CAT5 LAN
XBOX 100 mbit CAT5 LAN

FTP 4GB files to XBOX takes 8 minutes
XBE and CUT Programs work from HD
MP3 playlists play via SMB
ShoutCast streaming works
JPGs display via SMB
DVDs play and FF, Rew, pause etc. works
MPEG-2 movies < 2Gb play via SMB and FF, Rew, pause
etc. works

I can send a 4GB movie if required.

Thank you and please email me if you need more

Jason Rushton.


  • Andreas Setterlind

    • summary: All MPEG2 files > 2GB fail to play --> All MPEG2 files larger than 2GB/2048MB fail to play
  • Andreas Setterlind

    Logged In: YES

    For reference, XBMP forum thread with discussion on this link:

  • Stuart

    Stuart - 2003-10-07

    Logged In: YES

    I'm having the same issues. I'm using MPEG files captured
    directly from Digital TV transmittions, so I am not encoding
    anything myself.

    I have noticed that switching on "Forced Interleave", allows
    me to play some files that otherwise won't play at all.
    However I still can't get past the 2G mark.

    When bringing up the info screen during playback, the total,
    and current playback time don't reflect what they should be.

    I can send file examples.


  • Andreas Setterlind

    • summary: All MPEG2 files larger than 2GB/2048MB fail to play --> MPEG-2 files larger than 2GB/2048MB fail to play
  • John Browne

    John Browne - 2003-12-30

    Logged In: YES

    I am having the same problems. Though, I don't think it's
    limited to mpeg files. I cannot play ogm files that are
    >2gb either. I have tried to play them directly from the
    xbox hd, streaming over the network using Relax version
    0.76pre, and over samba. XBMP *never* is able to play them
    for me. I just get booted back to the video selection
    screen in XBMP. I am using NTFS on my windows machine so
    this is not a filesystem limitation.

    There is a common denominator somewhere in all of this. I
    sure wish we could find it! Could it be something as simple
    as a variable overflow when calculating the length of these
    movies, before they start playing??

    Version 1.5
    4979 bios via tsop flash
    160gb Samsung HD
    Samsung DVD-ROM

    Windows Box:
    AMD 2ghz
    1gb RAM
    Win2K Server
    NTFS partitions

    100mbit, no wireless connections between XBOX & Windows


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