
Vote for XBMC in SourceForge 2008 Community Choice Awards

XBMC media center project has been nominated as finalist in the 2008 Community Choice Awards (CCA) in no less than seven categories. This is the third annual SourceForge CCA - in the first year XBMC won two of the categories ("best multimedia project" and "best game project"), and last year we were nominated in six categories however not enough XBMC fans voted so we did not win any category. So this year we like to request this to all XBMC users; please registered a user on (registration is free) and then vote for the XBMC project in one or more categories.

The winning projects will be announced at the SourceForge CCA party on July 24th (2008) during OSCON at the Jupiter Hotel in Portland, Oregon. The prize if we win: 'bragging rights' and the honour to display CCA logo on the XBMC project site.

Signed / Team-XBMC

Posted by Team-XBMC 2008-07-01

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