
Kodi Remote / News: Recent posts

Version 0.4 Released

Finally got enough features in for a new release! Here is a list of what's new in this version:

  • Buttons are used instead of a single image which reads the mouse coordinates on click
  • Playlist is functional
    • Info option is always disabled for now, in a later release this will pop up a new window with more information.
    • Right click an item and select "IMDB" - Currently only works for Movies
    • Right click an item and select "Play" - Disabled for currently playing item
    • Right click an item and select "Remove - Disabled for currently playing item
  • Description is wrapped properly, and put in its own scrollable box, rather than as a tooltip of the image
  • Window is resizable
  • Movies/TV Shows/Music will pop up a new window instead of switching a panel on the main window (None of these are implemented yet though). This is so there is more screen space available when the windows are populated
  • Wake on LAN button included if your XBMC server supports it (Hard-coded as port 9 for now). To make use of this feature, you will need to set the MAC address of your server.
  • settings.xml is stored in the user's AppData folder (eg. C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\XBMC Remote\settings.xml) - Not tested on Linux</username>
  • System Tray icon added, so you can access control regardless of what window you have open (double-click the icon to jump to the main window)... read more
Posted by Danny Corbett 2013-09-16

Development started again

I have started development on this project again - although for now it will be slow

Posted by Danny Corbett 2013-08-19

Development on hold

Unfortunately I am finding it difficult to get time to continue development with this project at the moment, so until further notice, no further development will happen

Posted by Danny Corbett 2013-03-28

Bug tracker added

I have added a new tracker for bugs, which anyone can add new tickets to, as long as they are logged in.

Posted by Danny Corbett 2013-02-05

Version 0.3 Released

This version has a "Now Playing" panel, which shows the TV Show or Movie that's currently playing. You can use the progress slider to skip to a specific time.

The playlist is just a placeholder for now, it will be fixed in a future release to show all the items in the currently playing playlist.

Also, you can use the settings menu to modify the XBMC server you are connecting to. In this version, you cannot add or remove hosts, but that is planned for a future release.

Posted by Danny Corbett 2013-01-24

Version 0.2 Released

This version has more Keyboard buttons implemented, as well as an image for the remote where the mouse can also be used to trigger the buttons.

An XML file called settings.xml will be created in the directory that the program is run from if it doesnt already exist, which will contain the connection settings for the XBMC server. You should be able to modify the XML file to connect to a different server, but there is a bug that means a hard-coded value is always used - if you want to connect to a server, it will have to be This will be fixed in version 0.3, and there will also be a GUI for managing the hosts.

Posted by Danny Corbett 2013-01-11

Version 0.1 Released

First version, very basic functionality.

Space: Play/Pause
Enter: Select
Arrow Buttons: Navigate
Esc: Back
H: Home

Also the IP address is hard-coded as, and the port is hard-coded as 81. The next release will make these configurable, just needed something that works to start with.

Posted by Danny Corbett 2013-01-09

Project Started

I have started writing the code for this project, there will be no release dates though, it will just be ready when it's ready

Posted by Danny Corbett 2013-01-09