
#544 install-exec-hook fails to respect DESTDIR


The install-exec-hooks in and in config/ each calls 'rm -a ...' . If you use DESTDIR to install the package it gets not respected by the hooks and may lead to access violations.

According to automake manual section 11.4 lst sentence you have to code $(DESTDIR) explicitly into the hook rules. Attached patch fixes the problem.


  • Thomas Beierlein

    Fix to respect DESTDIR

  • Tom Russo

    Tom Russo - 2012-08-27

    This was fixed in Xastir CVS on 9 Nov 2010, shortly after the 2.0.0 release.

    There has been no stable snapshot or release since then, so the fix is only available in CVS.

  • Thomas Beierlein

    In Xastir-2.0.2 the problem still exists:

    line 96 in config/ reads

    rm -f \$(configdir)/nwsfz_ddmmyy.dbfawk

    but should be

    rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(configdir)/nwsfz_ddmmyy.dbfawk

  • Tom Russo

    Tom Russo - 2012-12-04

    Yes, thank you for pointing out that oversight. The main was fixed and the bug got closed, but the config/ was overlooked. The bug has been fixed in Xastir CVS as of right now.

    There should be another development snapshot tarball created ASAP, since DESTDIR issues like this are mostly important to people creating distro-specific binary packages, and those folks will pretty much never use CVS code to generate the packages.

    Apologies for the inconvenience.

  • Thomas Beierlein

    That is why I asked. I am maintaining xastir in Gentoo :-). Thanks.

  • Tom Russo

    Tom Russo - 2012-12-04
    • assigned_to: Curt Mills
    • milestone: --> V2.0.4
  • Tom Russo

    Tom Russo - 2012-12-04

    Curt is going to push out a 2.0.4 patch release, and says he should have it done sometime tomorrow. You should watch the Xastir users mailing list for the announcement, and not bother making a Gentoo 2.0.2 binary package.

    There is another makefile-related error in 2.0.2 for which the fix is worth getting in your next package anyway. That error made Xastir's scripts get installed without proper execute permissions.

  • Curt Mills

    Curt Mills - 2012-12-04

    I pushed out a 2.0.4 release to SourceForge this afternoon and made it the default download for all OS'es.

  • Thomas Beierlein

    Thanks for the information Tom and all the work you and Curt put into


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