
Xaraya .9.8.0 Released

Xaraya .9.8.0 Beta has been released. The Xaraya codebase is a culmination of two years of hard work and fun by many developers across the world. Xaraya is on the final road toward the 1.0.0 release, and with .9.8.0 stabilization efforts have been made particularly to the installation, performance (cache system) and functionality has been introduced. Benchmarks for the final releases can be found here as well as here. We will be merging in the final scenarios for the 1.0.0 release in the coming weeks, along with the final focus of the UI. Thanks to all for your support!

The high-level features of Xaraya include:

A highly modular system. No longer is there a need to change core scripts in order to accomplish a deed. With the Xaraya Event System, you can plug into the core where and when you need

With the modular design, there is also a high degree of re-usable code. With the Xaraya Hooks System, you are able to add different presentation layers to nearly any module. Want comments for your users, but not for your articles? Xaraya does just that, with the same comment system. Ever wanted a global categories system? Xaraya does just that

Complete control over the output via templating from themes. This means that any one theme can control the entire look and feel of the layout for your website, while another theme could present the output in a complete opposite manner. No longer are you constrained by the whims of hardcoding presentation within modules or core

With Xaraya's Dynamic Data Model, you are able to redesign the data structure of modules. Need to capture different user data? Dynamic Data can do that for you, and you can export the data structure to other websites in need

Xaraya offers both modular input and output content handlers to expand the way your content is presented

With the Xaraya Article System, no longer do you need to install multiple modules that do similar acts. Xaraya comes pre-configured with News, Documents, Links, Reviews, and FAQ. It doesn't end there though. You can add article types as needed from the administration area. The only code that is necessary to add a new article type is to create a template for that new article type

Xaraya comes with modular authentication. This means that authentication methods such as LDAP, PAM, etc are possible. Xaraya comes with a working LDAP module and we are actively developing new plugin systems such as external application authentication for use with other popular programs such as PHPBB and Invision

Xaraya flexibility gives you not only a way to manage content but a framework for web based applications. This decreases the development time from beginning to end for new applications for your use. A fully documented example and dynamic example module is there to get you started along with a thriving community of developers that have chosen Xaraya as their platform

Xaraya has a very quick installation method to get you off the ground running very quickly. The installation will install your database, and also check for several configuration values about your server

Xaraya offers an extremely flexible and easy to use permissions system. The permissions were redesigned from the ground up with usability and flexibility in mind. Gone are the days of creating a permission, and then crossing your fingers that it will work

Xaraya offers built in short url support in many modules. This allows your website to have nicer url's than many CMS packages out there as well as in grained search engine optimization. Xaraya websites attain higher results in the search engines than most other packages

Xaraya has a modular cache system which significantly improves performance over other content management systems

Xaraya works on multiple database platforms such as MySQL and PostgreSQL with on going development for other database solutions

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Posted by J. Cox 2004-02-01

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