
Lobo Browser 0.97 Released

The Lobo Project is pleased to announce the first release of our new web browser: Lobo. Lobo is open source and is written entirely in Java. It is being developed with the aim to support HTML 4, Javascript and cSS2. The general goal of the project is to produce a browser that is fast, easy to extend, secure and feature-rich.

Lobo 0.97 is being released along with a browser API that complements our rendering engine.

Additionally, we are releasing a plugin API that can be used to write Lobo extensions in Java.

Version 0.97 of Lobo includes features such as HTTP & proxy authentication, a download dialog, navigation menues, browser preferences, HTTPS support and multipart POST encoding. It also introduces some features not usually found in other browsers, such as a new bookmarks system based on tags & search, a directory separate from bookmarks, a list of recent hosts, configurable search engines, and page services such as Wayback Machine.

We are also releasing Cobra 0.97, a new version of the HTML rendering engine Lobo relies on. It includes about 40 fixes and enhancements relative to version 0.96.5R2. Please see the changelog for details.

Lobo replaces the browser we have been releasing up to this point, Warrior. The Lobo Project is the new name for the project previously referred to as The XAMJ Project. The domain replaces This change is refected in our APIs.

Note that while Warrior was released under the LGPL license, Lobo is released under the GPL (v2) license.

The XAMJ language effort is no longer active, as explained in a prior news entry. We are currently interested in having Lobo render JavaFX as a first-class citizen.

Browser Home:
Browser API:
Plugin HOWTO:
SF Project Page:

Posted by Lobo Project Lead 2007-07-09

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