Ross Nye - 2007-12-16

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Yes, I had read in the forum that the following worked. It did not work for me.

flac -d "$1" -c --endian=big --force-raw-format --sign=signed

However the following flacpcm script works.

flac -d "$var" -c --endian=big --force-raw-format --sign=signed

I found no need for the original authors path statement (that path doesn't exist here) nor his comments, as i didnt really understand them. Not being familar with bash scripts I don't know what the var declarations are doing, but it's sure something because without them the script still fails with paths with a space in them.

Would this mean the oggpcm script will fail too as it just passes the command arg $1 without modification. I don't use the ogg format at present so haven't tested it.
