devl0st3d - 2007-06-09

Our VMA is pretty the same utility as the RAM. It have an Hi Clock Ratio by the Motherboard.

Only one kind of VMA exist for X300 at this time.

Name            : DVMA.
Bandwith        : Depending of the clock multiplier it can go up to 220kb/s.
Mobo Timing     : 2/255 (127 clock per round).
Refresh Timing  : till not exist (working on it).
KEEP_ALIVE Time : 255 (will never pass out).
CLOCK_2_ECC     : till not exist (in my head only!).

This kind of memory have limited funtionality, those are:
  Read to CM register
  Write from CM register
  Reset Address from address + LM Register
  execute at LM Register Address
  halt execute

More to come.