
Determining window properties?

  • Jack Imbriani

    Jack Imbriani - 2004-11-15

    I'm trying to identify properties of a window.  For example whether a checkbox is checked or not.  Is this possible and if so how is this done?

    Ideally, I'd like to be able to specify a windowid and get a list of properties and their values.



    • Peter Wilson

      Peter Wilson - 2004-11-15

      Have a look at the "xwindow data" post.  I don't think you can get that kind of info without wrapping the widget library, or linking into the application.

      I'm no expert, so I could be wrong.  We got a copy of X-runner a while back, and for it to do anything except bitmap compares, it needed to sit in between your app and the x libs.

    • Jack Imbriani

      Jack Imbriani - 2004-11-16

      Thanks, I read the xwindow data post and that clears things up.  If I understand correctly, it means X11::GUITest can drive a gui but not "test" to see if the results match a benchmark though.

      How does one go about writing gui tests if the properties are not available?  For example, consider an input box that is used as a search to subset the items in a listbox.  After sending keys to the input box, how does one assess whether or not the listbox contains the expected items?



      • Peter Wilson

        Peter Wilson - 2004-11-16

        your understanding = my understanding.
        Blind as a bat I think.

        Even finding the list box is tricky if you have forms that are layout managed rather than fixed position.

        If you can highlight something and paste is somewhere you might be able to compare text.

        Can you do a bitmap compare?

    • Jack Imbriani

      Jack Imbriani - 2004-11-22

      That's what I thought, but I wanted to make sure.  We won't be able to use X11::GUITest within our automation framework.  Bitmap and text compares work in some cases, but we really need more.

      Thanks for chatting with me.


    • Dennis K. Paulsen

      Support could surely be built into a tool like X11::GUITest, but with a single developer it is unlikely to ever happen. :-(


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