spanner888 - 2013-04-05


I am prototyping an app based on wxSFDemo, that adds connection points to shapes and then places text labels beside each connection point as child shapes within the parent shape.

As the connection points are placed at relative positions, they nicely change position as the parent shape size is changed.

But I have not been able to get the child text labels to move when the parent shape is resized.

I am using the style sfsLOCK_CHILDREN = 1024 to "Lock children relative position if the parent is resized ".

I note from wxSF source that valignNONE and halignNONE is required for this feature to work, but even when I have added this to the parent and all child shapes, i can't get the auto position change to work.

Has anyone used the LOCK_CHILDREN feature or have any suggestions?