
#2 Implement '\r'

Gabe Levin

Implement '\r' compatibility by altering paint/wordwrap to
not reset width offset unless '\r' is seen


  • Gabe Levin

    Gabe Levin - 2003-09-10
    • priority: 5 --> 2
  • Mart Raudsepp

    Mart Raudsepp - 2006-03-03
    • milestone: 324564 --> v0.2
  • Mart Raudsepp

    Mart Raudsepp - 2006-03-23

    Logged In: YES

    It might be worth noting that RFC-854 (telnet protocol
    specification) states the following:

    "The sequence "CR LF", as defined, will cause the NVT to be
    positioned at the left margin of the next print line (as would,
    for example, the sequence "LF CR"). However, many systems and
    terminals do not treat CR and LF independently, and will
    have to
    go to some effort to simulate their effect. (For example, some
    terminals do not have a CR independent of the LF, but on such
    terminals it may be possible to simulate a CR by backspacing.)
    Therefore, the sequence "CR LF" must be treated as a single
    line" character and used whenever their combined action is
    intended; the sequence "CR NUL" must be used where a carriage
    return alone is actually desired; and the CR character must be
    avoided in other contexts. This rule gives assurance to
    which must decide whether to perform a "new line" function or a
    multiple-backspace that the TELNET stream contains a character
    following a CR that will allow a rational decision.

    Note that "CR LF" or "CR NUL" is required in both

    In other words, we should simply ignore all occurances of CR
    that are not followed by LF or NUL, therefore we may opt to
    not implement a LF CR sequence (I guess we currently just
    eat all \r's and do a newline on \n) - however, if many MUDs
    use it, we have no choice.


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