
#152 Argument Change not saved for wx.lib.filebrowsebutton.DirBro

Andy Neil

wxGlade v0.6.3 on Python 2.3.5 and wxPython

Changes made to the 'Arguments' (in the 'Widget' tab of the 'Properties' dialogue) are not saved unless the 'Apply' button is pressed.

After closing the dialogue, and/or inspecting other proerties, etc, then returning to the item it will still display the changed Arguments, but the changes will not have been saved!

This is inconsistent with other widgets, where changes are saved without having to click the 'Apply' button;
eg, the 'Choices' for wxChoice.

This means that:
1. The changes will not be noticed when code is generated;
2. The changes will be lost when the project is reloaded.


  • Dietmar Schwertberger

    The whole property handling has been replaced with a new implementation.
    I did not test, but I think the behaviour now should be consistent.
    All properties with "Apply" should only be updated on hitting the Apply button.


    Last edit: Dietmar Schwertberger 2017-07-13
  • Dietmar Schwertberger

    • status: open --> closed
    • assigned_to: Dietmar Schwertberger
    • Affected Version: -->

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