
#271 Menu Item Editor


Adding a new menu item to an existing menu is rather

I have a File menu with an Exit menu item.

I opened the Menu Item Editor, the File menu is
selected, I selected New Item, the new item appears as
child of File menu. That would be appropriate for
Create Submenu but not for Add Item. Not what I
expected. Seems like, if I add a new menu item it
should be a sibling of the selected menu item.

Also, after closing the editor window and then
reopening, the added menu item is added above the
existing menu. This is a minor point as I realize there
is no way to specify whether the new menu item is added
before or after the selected item. Maybe in a future



  • Tony Reina

    Tony Reina - 2005-09-12

    Logged In: YES

    I'm not seeing this behavior. Can you send me a post of an
    example project? From my testing, it looks like "Add Item"
    always adds to the root branch and "Create Submenu" always
    adds as a sibling. Perhaps there's a case that I'm just not
    thinking of (?)

    As far as inserting before and/or after, it can be
    reprogrammed fairly easily, but I could never come up with
    an elegant plan. Do you have any suggestions on what would
    make sense? I suppose we could add an "Insert before" or
    "Insert after" buttons, but that seems rather clunky.

  • djkoga

    djkoga - 2005-09-12

    Logged In: YES


    I have attached screen captures of the Menu Item Editor. The
    top image shows the "before", just a File menu with Exit
    submenu. The bottom image shows the editor after clicking
    Add Item. It looks like MenuItem3 is a child of File. The
    menu is in a newly created project.

  • djkoga

    djkoga - 2005-09-12
  • djkoga

    djkoga - 2005-09-12

    Logged In: YES

    Almost forgot, I agree, adding "Insert Before" and "Insert
    After" buttons seems clunky. I have no ideas at the moment.
    Perhaps there is a visual drag-drop menu editor in the works?


  • Tony Reina

    Tony Reina - 2005-09-12

    Logged In: YES

    The visual drag-drop stuff already works (I added it in
    6.8beta). Just try to left click on one menu item and drag
    it to another. If you hold down CTRL when you do this, it
    will add as a child node; otherwise, it will add as a sibling.


  • Tony Reina

    Tony Reina - 2005-09-12

    Logged In: YES

    Ok. I tried it and found your bug. I'll try taking a look at
    it this weekend.


  • Tony Reina

    Tony Reina - 2005-09-12

    Logged In: YES

    I think I found the bug. It looks like I had a GetNext
    rather than GetNextSibling.

    I've re-build it and have the devcpp.exe on my website
    Would you be willing to test it?




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