
#167 "Autogrowing" components on sizers again

Sizers (14)

Autogrowing wxFrame when I put wxPanel to BoxSizer up
to 2154. The same happend with other 'Windows' like
'Grid', 'ScrolledWindow', etc. Is there any way how to
solve this bug? Change the width propriety of wxFrame
does not work.
The only way, how to solve this is to create wxPanel
manually byt then I am unable to use Object Inspector
to set properties and events.


  • Guru Kathiresan

    Guru Kathiresan - 2005-01-08

    Logged In: YES

    I dont understand the report. Can you please break them down
    in simple sentences. Sorry.

    -Guru Kathiresan

  • Miroslav Vidiscak

    wx-devcpp screenshot

  • Miroslav Vidiscak

    Logged In: YES

    Ok, I try:
    I does not change any setting and I will use default name
    1. Create new project (wxWidgets Frame)
    2. Put BoxSizer to newProgramFrame.wxform
    3. Put 'Window' component like Panel, NoteBook, Grid,
    ScrolledWindow to WxBoxSizer1

    And right now the problem occurs. Width of WxPanel1 is
    changed up to 1612 without any chance to change to lower
    value. Width and Height of Panel is stayed like Read-only value.
    I can change width of frame changing Width value for
    newProgramFrame, but it change to 1612 every time, when I
    put other components to frame.

  • Guru Kathiresan

    Guru Kathiresan - 2005-01-08

    Logged In: YES

    Ok, Now I can understand what you are saying. Thanks for the
    detailed explanation (ofcourse in the simple sentences ;o) ) .

    The problem with window control when dropped on to a Frame
    is that they tend to occupy the whole width of the frame
    (thats the normal way wxWidgets does at runtime), so the
    same thing is happening here. its almost like a sizer when
    dropped on to a frame without any other control.

    The lesson learnt from this that the size of the Window
    control depends on the Size of the Frame here(if the frame
    is the immediate parent of the window control ). If you want
    to resize the window Control, you have to change the size of
    the frame for it. Just go ahead and change the size of the
    Frame and your window control will automatically get resized.

    If you still think its a problem, let me know, I'll to post
    a question in the wx-user Forum and get feedback.

    -Guru Kathiresan

  • Guru Kathiresan

    Guru Kathiresan - 2005-01-08

    Logged In: YES

    Sorry. I mis understood the question. What a dumb ass I am.
    I was able to reproduce the problem now. I'll figureout a
    fix for this.

    Thanks for reporting this problem.


  • Lucio Ribeiro Gomes

    Logged In: YES

    It's still present in 6.6 beta. It turns sizers unusable.
    The cross-plataform quality is deeply based in sizers.
    There's urgent to make it work properly to make wx-devcpp an
    truely option for wx.

  • Guru Kathiresan

    Guru Kathiresan - 2005-03-14

    Logged In: YES

    Fixed in 6.7 beta. Let me know if you want to tes the
    pre-release beta.
    Guru Kathiresan



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